11 FEB 2021

Kakuzi Plc Press Statement

It was announced today in London that claims concerning allegations against Camellia PLC, in relation to Kakuzi PLC operations, have been resolved.   As reported previously Kakuzi was dropped as a party to the UK proceedings in July 2020.  Kakuzi still does not know the identities of the claimants making it very difficult to hold any individual accountable.

Kakuzi continues to commit to working with the local investigating authorities with a view to ensuring that any offenders who may be identified during these investigations are prosecuted, our community is protected, and victims receive not just reparations but justice.

As stated in October 2020 Kakuzi began the development of an Operational Grievance Mechanism (OGM) to enhance the timely and sensitive resolution to grievances that any of our stakeholders may have with Kakuzi. The OGM will be fully compliant with UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and will be a fair, transparent and an independent means to resolve any complaints of personal injuries connected to Kakuzi's operations. The OGM is being developed with extensive consultation with local communities. An independent, internationally recognized human rights consultancy organization (Triple R Alliance) will take the lead on this.

In addition, Kakuzi has engaged independent experts to conduct a comprehensive human rights impact assessment of Kakuzi's operations, so that local communities and commercial partners can have confidence in Kakuzi's commitment to, and attainment of, the highest standards of business and human rights.

Kakuzi is well advanced in establishing an Independent Human Rights Advisory Committee (IHRAC) whose role will be to provide independent advice to the Board on matters relating to Human Rights and governance structures.

Although not party to the litigation or the settlement, Kakuzi will be putting in place certain measures for the benefit of the communities on and around the property. 

Over the years Kakuzi has made a number of land excisions from its titles. These include areas now used for markets, government offices and trading centers. Kakuzi has also provided land for schools, churches and police stations, all of these areas are accessible by public roads and other roads provided by the Company. The Company will establish a Technical Working Group to complete the excision process where still outstanding.

Furthermore, Kakuzi will construct three additional private roads through its property to shorten the distance for community to access a number of public amenities.  Kakuzi will also recruit a group of predominantly female safety marshals from the local community to oversee the use of its private roads and footpaths by members of the public. The Company will further implement a number of solar street lighting projects to improve security.

Kakuzi will also enhance its work with the local community to facilitate access to sustainable fuel wood and to increase the use of energy saving stoves.

Of key importance to Kakuzi is the ability to maintain its close working relationships with the neighbouring communities by appreciating their concerns especially regarding the impact of our operations. We will construct two community halls to allow for regular meetings to take place between our community liaison team and community members.

Kakuzi remains committed to our core values of acting honestly, fairly, with integrity and respect for the community and all of our other stakeholders.


11th February 2021

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