12 MAR 2021

Kakuzi Primary School Renovations

Kakuzi Plc is renovating Kakuzi primary school (a public primary school within its property). This is after the public health, public works and the ministry of education’s inspections that indicated that the school was not safe without the repairs. 

Phase one of the renovation started in November 2020 targeting 3 classrooms, the staff room and the head teacher’s office as part of our commitment to the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education.

The first phase of the renovation is now complete.


Phase two of the renovation targeting classrooms, the kitchen, and storage area started in February 2021 and will see the school environment improve immensely thus boosting the quality of education at the institution.


Additionally, Kakuzi has donated faculty furniture and student desks, re-usable face masks, hand washing tanks, abolition block and regularly provides the school with running water.


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