27 APR 2022

Update on Operational Grievance Mechanism (SIKIKA)

After several months of stakeholder consultations and multiple direct engagements with local communities to explain the two distinct grievance procedures of Kakuzi’s OGM ‘SIKIKA’, the Independent Human Rights Mechanism (Tier 2 of SIKIKA) is now operational. The Independent Human Rights Mechanism is an independent process specifically designed for grievances that concern allegations of severe human rights impacts that have been caused by, contributed to, or are directly linked with Kakuzi and/or its business partners. The aim of the mechanism is to provide access to remedy for those impacted by Kakuzi’s operations or business relationships and to strengthen relationships with all its stakeholders.

For more information on the two grievance procedures that are part of SIKIKA, see the document below.

Operational Grievance Mechanism - SIKIKA

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