Environment Policy



It is the policy of Kakuzi PLC to be sensitive to the impact of agribusiness on the environment and to protect and enhance the biodiversity on its property. It is Kakuzi PLC policy to manage its property based on sound environmental conservation principals.

We are cognisant of the negative impact our operation may have on the environment, and therefore work diligently to identify these impacts for purposes of managing them in a responsible manner. Our summary code of practice is to:

  1. Comply with all environmental legislation
  2. Assess the main environmental impacts of our business activities
  3. Establish programmes and operational controls to minimise environmental impact identified in each of our businesses
  4. Provide appropriate training to our employees


  1. To continually assess the biodiversity and build a comprehensive database through landscape and wildlife surveys. (Species lists is included in Integrated Management Plan)
  2. To identify and manage sensitive areas as such that it will enhance these areas. (Wetlands & riparian forests etc.)
  3. To identify and manage unique features, species, and habitats as such that it will enhance the survival of the species and habitats and preserve the features. (Rare species or important species like raptors)
  4. To manage threats that will degrade the integrity of the environment, habitats and species on Kakuzi PLC property. (Illegal collecting, snares, alien vegetation)
  5. To set up a monitoring program that will detect changes in the environment and serve as an early warning system to negative changes and impacts. (Water sampling)
  6. To comply with Local, Provincial and National Legislation. (National Environmental Management Authority assessment).
  7. To conduct annual environmental audits and upgrade environmental action plan.
  8. To conduct environmental impact assessment studies for any new projects as per legislation.


The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of all Kakuzi employees, management, contractors and service providers.

Neighbouring communities are considered as partners in environmental conservation and will be sensitized from time to time.

Wildlife Enhancement

It is the Company’s policy to conserve and enhance wildlife on all its property. The Company is committed to conservation and the protection and improvement of natural resources. This will be done through partnership with environmental conservation institutions to identify flora, fauna and landscape features that could be sensitive to the effects of agricultural operations, and recommending conservation efforts.

There shall be no hunting, gathering or collection of wildlife within Kakuzi property without the approvals from the relevant government authorities.

Carbon Footprint

We monitor and measure our Carbon Footprint that result from production and processing activities with the aim to continuously manage the carbon emissions and general negative impact to the environment.


We have developed a series of dams to harness rainwater. We have water abstraction permits from relevant government authorities. To ensure responsible water use we have installed water metres to capture, monitor and document our water footprint. 


This is managed as per the waste avoidance, reduction, reuse and recycling policy and practices backed by waste management plans that include documents and records of origin of waste, volume and disposal means.


We believe implementation of this program will protect our natural ecosystems, prevent deforestation, enhance biodiversity and improve our operations resilience. 

Kakuzi continues to contribute to conservation efforts in the broader landscape by maintaining wildlife corridors and aquatic ecosystems by avoiding negative impacts to surrounding areas.

Revision Date: February 2021|| Approved by MD || Revision No. 00/2021