Kakuzi PLC is committed to reduce food loss and waste, to promote a life-cycle approach to reducing losses and wastage and proactively feed into national and global solutions and initiatives in this area. Kakuzi PLC, as a food producer, retailer, and exporter, also contributes to the generation of food loss and food waste, and is well aware of the role and responsibility that it must take to address the issue. Kakuzi PLC has set the target to contribute to this SDG target 12.3, to half FLW by 2030 through its business operations.
Through operational excellence, we strive to prevent/ reduce food loss and waste. We will seek to repurpose and recycle and recover the wasted parts as much as possible. Disposal becomes last option only where this is not possible. This approach safeguards that only a residual mass will be eventually disposed of.
The frame work of the policy entails:
a) Assessing and analyzing food losses within the production and distribution processes to identify ways to reduce food loss and food waste at the sources.
b) Fully utilize raw materials in the food production process.
c) Observing and taking into consideration all applicable legal and food safety requirements when establishing this policy and its objectives (target parameters to comply with relevant legal standard or product specification-Raw Macadamia kernels -Specification - KS EAS 1004:2021)
d) Reduce the amount of food waste by managing non-export product/food that is still in good condition by reusing, donation, and selling for oil reprocessing; convert food that is unfit for consumption into manure and energy.
e) Develop and seek new technologies and innovations that can reduce food loss and food waste from operations along value chain.
f) Support business partners to increase the efficiency of agricultural raw material production to reduce food loss.
g) Disclose performance and progress against targets on food loss and food waste through Sustainability Report or other relevant disclosures to stakeholders annually.
h) Communicate and raise awareness on food loss and food waste to employees, management & any relevant interested party via our website publications on sustainable agriculture (eg ESG reports)
Executive Head-Agriculture || Revision No. 0/2024