Food Quality Policy


Kakuzi PLC, Macadamia factory, is committed to meeting and exceeding customer expectations, while producing quality food products. Fundamental to this is the responsibility to ensure the quality of all food products ensuring that they are processed in a safe and hygienic environment, comply with legal and mutually agreed on customer requirements and are safe for their intended use. Kakuzi PLC is committed to providing the necessary resources to attain the highest possible of quality standards.

Purpose: To continually enhance the reputation of the Kakuzi brand, maintaining consumer through the development and implementation of quality food systems, standards and practices.
Kakuzi PLC is in a mission to consistently produce quality products, responsibly, sustainably and ethically, as a strategic direction of the company
Responsibility: To achieve this food quality commitments, the responsibility lies with all Kakuzi Macadamia factory employees, in how they do their job and engagement with relevant stakeholders. Therefore, quality is the responsibility of every employee that has a direct influence on raw material, ingredients, processing, packaging, storage and dispatch of Kakuzi food products.
Actions: Through operational excellence, we strive to meet and surpass the following food quality objectives which are the basis of Kakuzi’s commitment to food quality. Quality objectives need to be linked forward to the final product specification and backwards to set the tone for quality control specifications.

Specific Objectives: Kakuzi PLC- Macadamia factory is specifically committed to:

1) For continual acceptable physical kernel quality, packed final Macadamia kernel to strive and maintain an average daily moisture content of about 1.60% with the Goal of attaining an overall annual average moisture content of at most 1.60 % registered in the years 2024-2026.This will assure an improved quality beyond the stated applicable legal specification of <2% in KS- EAS: 1004 2021 and customer Specifications (eg. Proposed World Macadamia Organization standard, 2023 (<1.8%) and Proposed Global kernel quality standard, 2018 1st draft (<2%)) in 2024.

2) To achieve an average increase by at least 1% customer satisfaction rating from the previous year’s score rating by raw macadamia kernel customers who give a feedback in the year 2023-2024

3) For continual & better acceptable chemical kernel quality, packed final Macadamia kernel to decreasingly maintain an average annual Chemical laboratory Results of Peroxide value of ≤1 meq/kg) & FFA value of ≤0.3%(m/m) consistently so as to give continually better quality than limits of stated applicable legal specifications KS- EAS: 1004 2021(POV ≤3 meq/kg) & FFA value of ≤0.5%(m/m) and mutually agreed customer Specifications in the entire 2024- 2025 Production seasons. (eg. Proposed World Macadamia Organization standard, 2023 (POV is ≤ 2 meq/kg & FFA value (≤0.5%(m/m) and Proposed Global kernel quality standard, 2018 1st draft (POV is ≤ 3 meq/kg & FFA value (≤0.5%(m/m)

  • Meet, our own established quality requirements, all statutory and regulatory requirements for quality, and mutually agreed customer requirements related to food quality.
  • Communicate food quality requirements externally to suppliers (through suppler questionnaires-KMF 50E), customers and consumers and other relevant interested parties (through Kakuzi website and by establishing specifications for ingredients and packaging materials, product storage and distribution guidelines-KK-PR-19). Internally, communication of the policy will be done through frame poster display and trainings, so that it is well understood by all and applied throughout the organization. The policy will be available to any relevant interested party through display poster at factory premises, verbal communication (training) or Kakuzi website.
  • Ensure a sustainable food quality culture through the implementation, certification and continuous improvement of effective quality and food safety management systems compliant with FSSC 22000 together with the relevant Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).
  • Provide policy framework for setting food quality objectives that are in line with company strategies (mission & vision) so that food quality remains an integral part of our operations.
  • Ensure that suppliers embrace the same food quality commitments and monitor the materials and services they supply to us, through supplier monitoring and inspection of incoming goods.

Reporting and review:

We foster a work ethic and culture which strives to continually ensure the highest quality of food products through regular quality policy reviews at food safety team meetings and annual management reviews. This policy shall therefore be a framework for setting and reviewing Kakuzi’s food quality goals and ensure continuous suitability and improvement.

Revision Date: 052024 || Approved by Executive Head-Agriculture || Revision No. 0/2024