Whistleblowing Policy
This policy applies to all employees of the Company, general public, service providers, customers, company agents, contractors and any other individuals performing functions in relation to the Company are encouraged to use it.
It is important that any fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing by employees, company agents or executives of the Company is reported through the proper channels and dealt with.
We encourage any individual to raise legitimate concerns that they may have in relation to a conduct or behaviour within the Company that relates to or reasonably believed to be:
- A criminal offence;
- Slavery and human trafficking
- Sexual harassment
- Unethical conduct;
- Fraud, bribery or corruption
- An act creating risk to health and safety;
- An act causing damage to the environment;
- A breach of a contractual obligation; or
- Concealment of any of the above;
It is not necessary for the individual to have proof that such an act is being, has been, or is likely to be, committed ‐ a reasonable belief is sufficient. The individual has no responsibility for investigating the matter ‐ it is the Company's responsibility to ensure that an investigation takes place and necessary action implemented.
All issues raised relating to this policy will be handled with utmost confidentiality, unless otherwise requested.
Report all issues related to the ones highlighted in this policy to: confidential@kakuzi.co.ke
Note: Maliciously making a false allegation is a criminal offence.
Revision Date: May 2017 || Approved by Kakuzi Board || Revision No. 00/2017